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Why I didn’t use Tailwind

So, have you ever worked with Tailwind CSS on a project? It’s got its fans for sure, I am as well thanks to its utility-first style and customization options. It’s not all smooth sailing. Here’s a few reasons I had headaches and just went with CSS modules.

  1. So. Many. Classes. The source code for more complex layouts are absolutely drowning in class names. With Tailwind, you often need a bunch of these utility classes to style something just right. It can turn your code into a bit of a cluttered mess, which I am not a fan of.
  2. Getting it done: If you’re cozy with traditional CSS or other frameworks, Tailwind is like learning a new language. I’m cool to learning new languages! I just needed to get this site up and running quick. I used what I knew to get the job done. It’s good to go live without fumbling too much in styling.
  3. Time to customize: Flexibility is great, but with Tailwind, you sometimes have to roll up your sleeves and tweak a lot to fit your project’s vibe. For big projects, that’s a lot of configuring and part of the cost of complexity. For this project, it simply was not needed.
  4. Documentation: I don’t know if it’s just me but the docs ain’t it. Again, this is another time suck to find the best resources, ask questions, and wait for the light switch to turn on for small details.

Don’t get me wrong, Tailwind can be awesome in the right scenarios, but it’s not the magic bullet for every project. It’s all about finding the right tool for the job where you feel comfortable.

I have 👀 on StyleX though…

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